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Keywords: Protectionism

“Protectionist Measures have Reduced LDC Export Growth by 23.8%” Launched at TEPAV, a report prepared for the Government of Sweden investigated how protectionist policies of the post-2008 crisis era affected export-led growth and development performance across LDCs.
Haber Resim
29/01/2015 ANKARA – On Thursday, 29 January, 2015, a meeting was held at TEPAV to launch a report entitled “Throwing Sand in the Wheels: How Protectionism Slowed LDC Export-Led Growth.” According to the report, protectionist policies have reduced export [More]
Post-crisis Agenda for Foreign Trade: South-South Trade World Bank report "Managing Openness: Trade and Outward Oriented Growth after the Crisis" debated with a meeting at TEPAV.
Haber Resim
19/09/2011 ANKARA -A World Bank report titled "Managing Openness: Trade and Outward Oriented Growth after the Crisis" was addressed with a meeting held at TEPAV on September 19, 2011. Among the featured themes of the report was the rising importance of south- [More]
TEPAV: “Import Substitution Policies Still Viable” Korean government delayed the introduction of the iPad as much as possible on grounds that it will cause disequilibrium in the innovative and export-oriented economic model of the country.
Haber Resim
14/04/2011   ANKARA - TEPAV stated that South Korea, which tried to respond to the changing consumption demand via alternative firms that carry out domestic production for domestic markets instead of settling as a net importer, should be assessed as a separ [More]
TEPAV Director Sak: "We are Going Through a Period Where Protectionism is Perceived to be Legitimate"
26/06/2009 In his opening speech for the "Global Development Finance 2009 - Map of Global Recovery" panel organized by TEPAV and the World Bank, TEPAV Director Prof. Dr. Güven Sak maintained that the character of the current financial crisis is indefinite and [More]