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TEPAV Discussed the European Architecture and Russian-European Relations at a Round-Table Discussion
20/05/2009 - Viewed 1395 times
ANKARA- TEPAV organized its sixth round-table meeting on the Caucasus on May 20, 2009, this time with a special emphasis on Russia. The key speaker of the event was Dr. Andrew Monaghan, research advisor at the academic research division of the NATO Defense College. This meeting was considered to be very timely by the participants considering the recent high-level meetings between Turkish and Russian officials, the recently published Russian national security strategy, the upcoming EU- Russia Summit and the upcoming OSCE meeting in June 2009. Monaghan first talked about Russia's relations with the Euro-Atlantic community. He later evaluated Medvedev's proposals for a new European architecture and argued against the criticisms that say nothing new is brought to the table. He evaluated Medvedev proposals in comparison to what has been offered by Russia before and within the framework of broader Russian foreign policy.


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