International Trade: Still Flourishing Against All Odds? Evaluation Note / M. Sait Akman
G20 agenda is full of items that aim to respond to multiple crisis and challenges: the need for a sustainable economic recovery, food and energy crisis, climate change, and now the Russia-Ukraine war and its repercussions in global system. G20 also faces long-standing issue of reforming the multilateral system, including the need for a more functioning and effective trading system and the WTO.
The global trading system suffers under a severe pressure as many countries increasingly seek to implement unilateral trade policy measures, and beggar-thy-neighbour industrial policies with the aim of addressing their economic problems. Trade policy is becoming too much politicised under short-sighted security considerations, although it is commonly admitted that trade is an engine of growth and helps to support employment.
Sait Akman, Director of TEPAV G20 Studies Centre had a pre-G20 Bali Summit analysis regarding international trade.
You may read evaluation note from here.
- International trade still flourishing against all odds
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