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H. Ekrem Cunedioğlu
Program Director

Development Program

H. Ekrem Cunedioğlu

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Ekrem Cunedioglu graduated from TOBB Economics and Technology University with a B.S. in Economics. Ekrem joined TEPAV in 2008 and remained there as a research associate through 2013. Thereafter, he pursued his academic studies at Özyeğin University and İskenderun Technical University between 2013-2018. While doing so, he founded his own consultancy company in 2015. In 2018, he joined PwC Government and Public Sector consultancy team as a manager until 2020 and then worked at the Turkish Confederation of Employers Associations (TİSK) also as a manager until 2021.

Thereafter, and until mid-2023, Ekrem provided consultancy services to several national and international organizations in numerous projects covering multiple policy areas. In particular, Ekrem is an expert in designing analytical frameworks for projects and executing analysis processes. In parallel, Ekrem published several articles on employment, industry, and trade policies.

Ekrem Cunedioglu joined TEPAV in July 2023 as Development Program Director.

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