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TEPAV establishes the Middle East and Central Asia Studies Institute The director of TEPAV OAS will be Prof. Dr. Hilmi Demir.
Haber resmi
07/10/2020 - Viewed 746 times



Turkey’s substantial economic, political, and cultural relationship with the Middle East and Central Asia regions continues to increase its strategic importance. It is vital for our country to determine the opportunities and risks associated in the aforementioned regions and further enhance cooperation. In order to follow the developments in the Middle East and Central Asia closely and contribute to Turkey’s relations with countries in these two regions, TEPAV has taken the initiative to establish the Middle East and Central Asia Studies Institute (TEPAV OAS) with Prof. Dr. Hilmi Demir as its director.

The fields of study covering the Middle East and Central Asia will encompass topics such as international relations, economics, sociology, security, terrorism, radicalization, and religion. While carrying out academic activities that will increase regional cooperation, OAS will also organize workshops and conferences. Keeping Turkey’s regional policy aims in mind, TEPAV OAS is to conduct field research in Central Asia and the Middle East for the purpose of establishing regional security and cooperation.



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