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Unregistered Employment Down by 2.3 Points As of July 2013, around 9.9 million people work in the informal sector.
Haber resmi
21/11/2013 - Viewed 1825 times


ANKARA – Unregistered employment decreased by 2.3 points year-on-year, settling at 37.9 percent as of July 2013.

The TEPAV Employment Monitoring Bulletin reported that the number of unregistered workers was around 9.9 million, 55 percent employed in the agricultural sector. As of July 2013, 84.3 percent of the total 6.6 million working in the agricultural sector do not have any social insurance.

The number of unregistered workers in the non-agricultural sector is 4.4 million, corresponding to 22.3 percent of the total workforce of the sector.

By employment status, around 35 percent of 9.9 million unregistered workers are wage earners. Out of this number, 87 percent work in the non-agricultural sector. Of 16.5 million wage earners, 3.8 million (23 percent) are not covered by any social insurance scheme.


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