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Söğütözü Cad. No:43 TOBB-ETÜ Campus, Section 2, 06560 Söğütözü-Ankara
Phone: +90 312 292 5500Fax: +90 312 292 5555 / is a non-profit, non-partisan research institution that contributes to the policy design process through data-driven analysis, adhering to academic ethics and quality without compromise.
TEPAV has evaluated the data obtained from the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) regarding the companies established in January, 2018 including those with Syrian partners and capital. TEPAV presents a monthly bulletin on the companies of Syrian capital to the public interest both in Turkish and Arabic. You can reach the Arabic newsletter at the link below.
TEPAV Bulletin of Companies with Syrian Capital - February 2018 - Arabic