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    What’s the problem with the Middle East?

    Güven Sak, PhD13 December 2014 - Okunma Sayısı: 1432

    What comes to your mind when you think about the Middle East? For me, it’s the low level of connectivity. Here we have  a region composed of clammed up countries; but whoever crammed them together also managed to do so in such a way that they are not entirely disconnected from each other. Each exists in its own shell They have  little to compare themselves to and  fail to se their own absurd condition .

    Take the case of a region that is economically integrated. European countries receive  an average of 80% of their imports  from within Europe. People trade with their neighbors. In the Middle East and North Africa, on the other hand, intra-regional trade is stands at a miserly 4%. Countries barely trade with their neighbors. If that isn’t absurd, I don’t know what is. We need to change that, but the question is how.

    The “why” question is  a good start: why is intra-regional trade in the  Middle East so low? There are many reasons.  A big part of the answer, however,  is that when people in the region ship goods to each other, 50% of the transportation time is spent at border crossings. Consider the absurdity of the situation  for a moment. The border is a line on the map, merely a point along a freight truck’s linear path to a destination. Yet that single point of entry  , on average, takes up as much time to cross as the entire  road along the destination.

    What happens at that border crossing? Here is another statistic: 38% of transportation costs between Middle Eastern countries comprise of “bahshish ”- in other words, , bribes to expedite time spent on border crossings. That kind of a markup to pass a border, plus the lost time, is going to make the cost of trade prohibitively high. You’re better off getting that shipment of socks from the Far East, at a cheaper price and better quality. While truckers get stuck however, terrorists cross borders freely. Intra-regional business is booming for those guys.

    Only governments can undo what governments have done. That is what I know. There are two types of countries in the region: countries that allow their citizens to interact freely and countries that do not . Turkey and Israel fit in the first category and the rest  in the second. Turkey extended this freedom to its citizens in the 1980s with reforms during the  Özal era . The late President of Turkey opened up his nation’s markets and  minds. Free movement of goods currency and people enriched Turkish citizens and strengthened their democracy. It rid the country  of some lingering absurdities.

    I am now looking around for a courageous Arab leader to do  for his own country what Özal did for Turkey. That would be the end of the current chaos in Arab countries, and the beginning of a real Arab transformation. Mind you, President Erdoğan would not be where he is today without the  freedoms and connectivity-enhancing reforms passed by President Özal. President Morsi of Egypt did not have the same courage to move forward on the path to  freedom. Let us watch and  see whether President Sisi can  bring  a new era of freedom and  high level of connectivity to our clammed up region.

    A higher level of connectivity in the Middle East will be good for security and prosperity in the region. The world would certainly be a better place.


    This commentary was published in Hürriyet Daily News on 13.12.2014
