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Keywords: T20

TEPAV Participates in the T20 Brazil Midterm Conference The T20 (Think 20) midterm review meeting, which brings together think tanks and academic institutions from G20 countries, was held in Brazil. As a member of the T20 International Advisory Council and a participant in the Task Forces, TEPAV attended the meeting and contributed to the Communique.
Haber Resim
22/07/2024     The midterm review meeting of the T20 (Think 20) Engagement Group under G20 was completed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. During the three-day meetings attended by TEPAV, all topics within the priorities of the G20 Brazil were discussed by re [More]
TEPAV attended T20 Mid-Year Conference TEPAV participated in the T20 Mid-Year Conference held in Mumbai, India between 10-12 May 2023 with the T20 working group consisting of TEPAV Founding Director Güven Sak, G20 Studies Center Director M. Sait Akman and Economy Monitoring Center Director Gülbin Şahinbeyoğlu. They also contributed to the Task Force Statements, which will form the basis of the T20 Communique.
Haber Resim
10/07/2023     T20 working group consisting of TEPAV Founding Director Güven Sak, G20 Studies Center Director M. Sait Akman and Economy Monitoring Center Director Gülbin Şahinbeyoğlu attended the T20 (Think20) [More]
“Digitalization and remote working positively affect women's employment” TEPAV Economy Monitoring Center Director Gülbin Şahinbeyoğlu pointed out that women's employment has increased since the 25X25 target was set in G20 countries, but this momentum was interrupted by the COVID 19 process. “Digitalization offers important opportunities to make it easier for women to start a business by reducing the costs of starting a business and expanding the work-from-home model,” she said.
Haber Resim
12/06/2023     "Women-Led Development" roundtable meeting held in Goa, India on May 9, 2023 with the contribution of different involvement groups, including T20. TEPAV Economy Monitoring Center Director, Gülbin Şahinbeyoğlu contributed to the discus [More]
TEPAV attended T20 India Inception Conference TEPAV attended the T20 Inception Conference held in New Delhi, India on 13-14 January 2023 organized with the participation of the members of research institutes and Think Tanks and chairs and co-chairs of Task Forces under T20.
Haber Resim
06/02/2023     TEPAV attended the T20 Inception Conference held in New Delhi, India on January 13-14, 2023 with the T20 working group consisting of TEPAV Founding Director Güven Sak, G20 Studies Center Director Sait Akman and Economic Data Analysis Ce [More]
TEPAV organized a Working Session in WTO Public Forum Director of TEPAV’s G20 Studies Center, Dr. Sait Akman, delivered speech at the event titled “COVID Crisis, Industrial Subsidies and the Way Forward”
Haber Resim
12/10/2021     TEPAV held a joint working session with Germany's Jena Friedrich Schiller University on Friday, October 1st, 2021, at a Public Forum meeting organized by the World Trade Organization (WTO). Of the current 21st Public Forum, this is the s [More]
T20 policy briefs release under G20 KSA presidency TEPAV, acting as the co-chair of the "Trade, Investment, and Growth" and "Migration and Young Societies" task forces, presented three policy proposals.
Haber Resim
11/10/2020     The Think Tank 20 (T20) engagement group, as part of its activities under the Group of 20 (G20), has released policy briefs covering a wide range of topics under the T20 task forces. Representatives of these leading think tanks, who are me [More]
T20 Proposals to G20 Communique
Haber Resim
09/06/2017 During the G20 Germany presidency, the T20 (Think20) Summit was held in Berlin on May 29th and 30th, 2017. The T20 consisted of twelve task forces and each task force composed of think-tank representatives from the G20 countries. The task forces pr [More]
Three topics highlighted by the Think 20 are included in the Antalya Communique Three topics highlighted by the Think 20 are included in the Antalya Communique:
Haber Resim
17/11/2015   Internet. The word “Internet” was for the first time adopted in a Leaders Communiqué. Paragraph 26 included two important statements on internet technologies. First, it called for cooperation on cyber security, especially against attack [More]
T20 Mumbai Keynote by Dr. Rajan Dr. Raghuram Rajan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India, delivered the keynote address at India's first Think20 (T20) meeting organised by Gateway House with TEPAV, on the "Global Economy and Challenges for Multilateral Policies."  
Haber Resim
23/10/2015   "We need new rules of the game on policy. And I think we always retreat as central bankers to say we have a domestic mandate. What we need is a political consensus to go beyond domestic mandates to think in this integrated world where monetary [More]
Beliefs, Institutions, and Learning: Towards A New Order in the New Global Economy? Evaluation Note / Sumru Altug  
Haber Resim
29/06/2015   The global financial crisis of 2007-2008 has been termed as the most synchronized recession since the Great Depression in the 1930’s. In its aftermath, we are observing a multitude of changes in the global economy and global governance. For o [More]