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Israel-Palestine Conflict on TEPAV’s Agenda In his last report, Geoffrey Aronson of Foundation for Middle East Peace offered solutions for the Obama government that puts emphasis on the “era of transition”
Haber Resim
19/11/2012   ANKARA – The U.S. policy on the Israel-Palestine conflict on top of the world’s foreign policy agenda was discussed with a meeting at TEPAV on Thursday, 19 November 2012. The meeting hosted Dr. Geoffrey Aronson, Director of Research and Pub [More]
Stuck Between Pot and Prostitutes: US Foreign Policy in Latin America Evaluation Note/Evren Çelik Wiltse, PhD.
Haber Resim
05/06/2012 "In April of 2012, the heads of 33 countries in the Western hemisphere got together for the Sixth Summit of the Organization of American States (OAS). Previously, this platform was an opportunity for the US to flex its muscles in its so-called back [More]
The Fourth Meeting on Turkish-American Relations was Held at TEPAV
18/12/2008 TEPAV organized its fourth meeting in a series of meetings evaluating the Turkish-American relations before and after the American presidential elections. Fourth meetings' main speaker was Mr. Abdullah Akyuz, the President of TUSIAD-US. In the past, [More]