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Keywords: 20

The Turkish-Armanian Rapprochement was Adressed at TEPAV
17/11/2009 TEPAV hosted Alexander Iskandaryan, director of the Yerevan based Caucasus Institute at a roundtable discussion dedicated to the Turkish-Armenian rapprochement on 17 November. Alexander Iskandaryan analyzed the debate in Armenia and among Armenians o [More]
Policy Note / Dr. Burcu Gültekin Punsmann Unlocking Nakhichevan, the Gate of Orient - Şark Kapısı 
12/11/2009 The signature of the protocols on the establishment of diplomatic relations and the development of relations by the Turkish and the Armenian Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Zurich on 10 October 2009 brought winds of change in South Caucasus where t [More]
American University Students visit TEPAV for Third Year in a Row
05/06/2009 ANKARA- Washington D.C. based American University's Law School students visited TEPAV once again for the third year in a row. The students participated in the interactive meeting organized at TEPAV in which they were given information about the Turki [More]
TEPAV And CSIS Cooperation For Turkish - American Relations
19/01/2009 TEPAV and CSIS cooperate for contributing to the improvement of Turkish-American relations. Within this perspective, both think-tanks are working on parallel reports that were discussed during the meeting held in Ankara on January 14, 2009. As a re [More]
TEPAV Organized a Program for the American Journalists and Experts
20/10/2008 TEPAV brought a group of nine American journalists, bloggers and experts to Turkey during October 12-18, 2008 facilitated by funding mainly from the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), but also on an event basis by Foreign Eco [More]