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Keywords: 10

TEPAV: "Higher Education Board Harms the Economy" TEPAV's research identified that the lack of autonomy across universities in Turkey affected innovation performance adversely.
Haber Resim
14/12/2010 ANKARA-TEPAV research aiming to shed light on the correlation between the higher education system in Turkey and competitiveness identified that the lack of autonomy across universities in Turkey affected innovation performance adversely. TEPAV pol [More]
TEPAV Economic Policy Analyst Çağlar: “A Jump is Needed and Industrial Policy is the Answer” Delivering a speech in the annual conference of Euro-Mediterranean Forum of Economics Institutes (FEMISE) Çağlar emphasized that Turkey faces the risk of "middle income trap" and that the answer to the needed Jump is a new industrial policy.
Haber Resim
24/11/2010 ROME - TEPAV Economic Policy Analyst Esen Çağlar emphasized that Turkey is stuck in between two 'worlds' and needs the new industrial policy.  Evaluating Turkey's industry Çağlar stated that it is challenging for Turkey to converge to US and [More]
TEPAV Director Sak: "Let’s Enrich the Turkish-American Model Partnership with Innovation" Sak delivered a speech at the '26th Transatlantic Conference' organized by US based think-tank the Franklin Center and TOBB and asked for the enriching of the Turkish-American model partnership with projects that will advance innovations in Turkey.
Haber Resim
08/11/2010 ANKARA - TEPAV Director Prof. Dr. Güven Sak said that Turkey, which is currently a medium-technology industrial country, now targets to become an innovation-driven rich country and thus projects to this end should be developed in the context of [More]
TEPAV Director Sak: "Entrepreneurs cannot work like superheros; entrepreneurship must be democratized" Speaking at the 'Entrepreneurship Congress' organized by TOBB, Sak underlined capital is required but not sufficient for entrepreneurship and said: "Democratization of entrepreneurship is probably the most critical phenomenon of the era."
Haber Resim
06/11/2010 ANKARA - TEPAV Director Prof. Dr. Güven Sak said that entrepreneurship in Turkey must be democratized and entrepreneurs should no longer be asked to work like superheros. Underlining that capital is necessary but not sufficient for entrepreneurs [More]
TEPAV Warned About the Danger Ahead: ‘Middle Income Trap’ Stating that Turkey cannot preserve competitiveness relying on strategies based on cheap labor and labor intensive export sectors TEPAV stressed that it is necessary to accelerate the transformation process.
Haber Resim
30/09/2010 ANKARA - Stating that Turkey cannot preserve and improve competitiveness relying on strategies based on cheap labor and labor intensive export sectors TEPAV stressed that it is necessary to accelerate the transformation process in order to avoid th [More]