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Keywords: Clusters

Commentary/Esen Çağlar: "It is time to devise a new policy for Turkey’s industrial zones." TEPAV Economic Policy Analyst Esen Çağlar stressed that in which direction the function of OIZs in Turkey will be evolved was closely related to the country's industrial policy and efforts to tackle the high current account deficit.
Haber Resim
22/08/2011   Çağlar assessed: "Recently, the fiftieth anniversary of the Bursa Organized Industrial Zone (OIZ), Turkey's first OIZ, was celebrated. The fifty-year long adventure, which started with a World Bank loan in the process of the shift to a pla [More]
The State’s Tools for Regional Development in Question The 5th Regional Development and Governance Symposium by TEPAV hosted debates on the special economic zones, clustering policy, regional development, and the efficiency of these as tools for regional development.
Haber Resim
28/01/2011 ANKARA - The 5th Regional Development and Governance Symposium, with the theme "Governance of Industrial Policy," ended on Friday 28 January 2011 with discussions questioning the tools of the state to ensure regional development. The second and [More]