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TEPAV: “Import Substitution Policies Still Viable” Korean government delayed the introduction of the iPad as much as possible on grounds that it will cause disequilibrium in the innovative and export-oriented economic model of the country.
Haber Resim
14/04/2011   ANKARA - TEPAV stated that South Korea, which tried to respond to the changing consumption demand via alternative firms that carry out domestic production for domestic markets instead of settling as a net importer, should be assessed as a separ [More]
TEPAV: "Internet Services Expensive in Turkey" Despite high Internet prices at OECD scale, access to the Internet among households has increased by almost 40% over the last three years.
Haber Resim
04/02/2011 ANKARA - TEPAV states that according to the OECD Broadband Statistics, in the scale where the lowest and highest megabit/second price is $2.39 and $76.11, respectively, Turkey is one of the countries with the highest internet prices. The note with [More]