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Keywords: 10

Post-crisis Agenda for Foreign Trade: South-South Trade World Bank report "Managing Openness: Trade and Outward Oriented Growth after the Crisis" debated with a meeting at TEPAV.
Haber Resim
19/09/2011 ANKARA -A World Bank report titled "Managing Openness: Trade and Outward Oriented Growth after the Crisis" was addressed with a meeting held at TEPAV on September 19, 2011. Among the featured themes of the report was the rising importance of south- [More]
TEPAV Monitors International Financial Developments TEPAV Finance Institute will be directed by Fatih Özatay, professor of economics and former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Turkey.
Haber Resim
24/07/2011 ANKARA - TEPAV will monitor international developments in finance and provide key information to the Turkish financial industry on the global developments. The Finance Institute established with this aim will be directed by Fatih Özatay, professor [More]
The World Bank’s “Global Development Horizons” Report Presented at TEPAV Delivering the opening speeches, Serdengeçti stated that gold prices were an indicator that there were problems yet to be solved, and Zachau said that while they welcomed the BRSA measures, mortgage and car loans also needed to be monitored.
Haber Resim
22/06/2011 ANKARA - The flagship meeting of the World Bank's (WB) "Global Development Horizons 2011 - Multipolarity: The New Global Economy" in Turkey was held at TEPAV. The report, which discussed a new economic order with a multi-currency system centered ar [More]