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Keywords: 20

TEPAV: "Worst Fiscal Performance in the Last 9 Years"
28/01/2009 ANKARA - TEPAV, expressing that the claims that budget target had been achieved cannot be considered realistic in terms of budget credibility, maintained that in 2008, the worst fiscal performance in the last 9 years was demonstrated. TEPAV Fiscal M [More]
TEPAV Draws Attention To High Expenditures By Local Administrations
17/01/2009 ANKARA- TEPAV pointed out the high local administration expenditures. According to TEPAV, local administration expenditures reached 30,7 billion YTL as of the end of September 2008. It was also mentioned that local administrations' budget deficit was [More]
TEPAV: "Fiscal Transparency Damaged"
05/10/2008 ANKARA- TEPAV has announced that the budget has had a deficit of 7.4 billion YTL as of end of August, contrary to the declaration of the Ministry of Finance that it has had a surplus of 4.6 billion YTL. Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey ( [More]
The Cost of the Latest Decisions will be 8.2 Billion YTL for This Year
12/07/2008 ANKARA- TEPAV has calculated the approximate cost of the latest policy decisions to be around 8.2 billion YTL for this year; and declared that the positive developments observed in the budget during the initial five months of the year will not be abl [More]
TEPAV: "Government's Fiscal Policy May Cost 45 Billion YTL"
10/06/2008 ANKARA - TEPAV has calculated the estimated cost of the decisions for the fiscal policy of the government in the upcoming period to be around 40-45 billion YTL. Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) has released the Fiscal Monitoring [More]
TEPAV: "Non-Budgetary Fund System Returns"
13/03/2008 ANKARA - TEPAV, stating that some of the legislation which is intended to be passed includes items that can have negative effects on the ambiguous environment in which fiscal discipline is needed increasingly, said "We stress once again that these a [More]
TEPAV: "Deficit Target Envisioned in the Beginning Will be Achieved"
18/12/2007 ANKARA - TEPAV, has forecasted that the revised budget deficit target of 8.5 billion YTL that was disclosed by the Ministry of Finance in July would not be achieved, but the deficit would be less than the initially forecasted 16.8 billion YTL. In the [More]
TEPAV: "Degradation in the Budget has Become Very Serious"
09/11/2007 ANKARA- After the corrections for local government and fund shares have been made, budget deficit has become 12.2 billion YTL as of end of September. Considering this figure was 2.4 billion YTL in the same period last year, it is observed that the bu [More]
TEPAV: "IMF Performance Criteria will not be Met"
27/10/2007 ANKARA - TEPAV, declared that performance criteria has not been met as of end of April and they will not be met as of end of August either. The Fiscal Monitoring Report, prepared by Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) Economic Stabi [More]
TEPAV: "Degradation Trend in Budget Performance"
11/06/2007 Ankara - Pointing out the degradation in budget performance, TEPAV said "This means that, should the new administration which will be in office after the elections choose the option of continuing the program with the IMF, it is a serious probability [More]