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TEPAV: “Interesting Developments in The ‘Direct Trade Regulation’ Process…” TEPAV EU Director Arısan Eralp: "We want to believe that any EU institution and any EU member state that seeks a just, sustainable and comprehensive solution in the island, as well as a fair accession negotiation process for Turkey, would not accept such an attitude."
Haber Resim
24/06/2010 ANKARA- "Direct Trade Regulation" draft expected to be discussed  by the political leadership of the European Parliament on June 10, 2010 was not adressed on the scheduled meeting. Conference of Presidents of the European Parliament adjourned th [More]
TEPAV Addresses Public Procurement Law Amendments:"How Valid is The EU Harmonization Rationale?"
13/03/2009 ANKARA- TEPAV recently assessed the amendments introduced in the Procurement Law. The evaluation, emphasizing the fact that among the general rationales of the amendment was making positive contributions to the EU harmonization process, said, "Some a [More]