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Keywords: 10

Prof. Rodrik of Harvard University: ‘Keep an Eye on the Manufacturing Industry and Services Sector for Sustaining Structural Transformation’ Dani Rodrik, commenting on Turkey's economy underlined that rate at which manufacturing is expanding employment has slowed down and many of the services that are growing are not as productive.
Haber Resim
22/12/2010 ANKARA - Prof. Dani Rodrik of Harvard University stated that it will be important for rapid, productivity-enhancing structural change to be sustained in order for Turkey to maintain its high rate of economic growth. Rodrik maintained that this m [More]
Prof. Hausmann: “Diversify product pattern and focus on India than China” In a roundtable meeting organized by TEPAV Hausmann delivered a speech with the title 'Turkey's Growth and Regional Development'.
Haber Resim
08/12/2010 ISTANBUL -Prof. Ricardo Hausmann, Director of Harvard University Center for International Development, stated that the development of average consumption patterns in the world is similar to Turkey's export pattern and made some recommendations fo [More]
TEPAV: "Measures to Support Export Performance are Needed" TEPAV states that in order to maintain the impressive growth performance, Turkey has to introduce measures that will ensure the sustainability of the rise in private investments and regard recovery in exports.
Haber Resim
22/09/2010 ANKARA- TEPAV stated that in order to maintain the impressive growth performance, Turkey has to introduce measures that will ensure the sustainability of the rise in private investments and regard recovery in exports and warned that otherwise, alon [More]
TEPAV/SAK: "Turkey's growth shall be considered as the resultant of regional growth strategies."
23/12/2009 MANİSA- TEPAV Director Prof. Dr. Güven Sak maintained that Turkey needs a growth strategy that utilizes the regional potential of Turkey to a higher extent, and said “Turkey’s growth shall be considered as the resultant of regional growth strat [More]