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Keywords: Competitiveness

Sak, Managing Director of TEPAV: "Turkey should add another lane to the path to the EU"
01/05/2008 "Multi-agency Co-operation and Training for Awareness Raising on the Lisbon Agenda" Project was completed with a closing conference. During the conference, Güven Sak, Managing Director of Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV), has ma [More]
Lisbon Agenda Training Seminars Held in Ankara
16/10/2007 The training phase of the Project for Awareness Raising on Lisbon Agenda undertaken by a TEPAV-British Embassy-EPIC partnership was completed in Ankara on October 16-19, 2007. The training seminars for the Project for Awareness Raising on the Lisbon [More]
TEPAV Made a Presentation at the Assembly Meeting of the Konya Chamber of Commerce
28/04/2006 TEPAV's Director, Mr. Güven Sak, and TOBB-ETU's Dean of the Department of Economics and Management, Mr. Fatih Ozatay, have made a joint presentation on 28 April 2006 at the Assembly Meeting of the Konya Chamber of Commerce. The title of Sak and Ozat [More]
"Structural Transformation of the Turkish Economy: The New Agenda for Adjustment, Risk Management, and Competitiveness"
26/04/2006 TEPAV's Director, Mr. Güven Sak, made a presentation entitled "Structural Transformation of the Turkish Economy: The new agenda for adjustment, risk management, and competitiveness" on 26 April 2006 to the commercial attachés of the EU member state [More]
Competitiveness Assessment and Investment Climate Assessment
03/04/2005 The preliminary report of the Competitiveness Assessment Project are presented at the "Conference on the Role of Competition Policy and Turkey's Investment Environment" on March 4th, 2005. The Competitiveness Assessment Project was implemented in col [More]