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TEPAV: “Interesting Developments in The ‘Direct Trade Regulation’ Process…” TEPAV EU Director Arısan Eralp: "We want to believe that any EU institution and any EU member state that seeks a just, sustainable and comprehensive solution in the island, as well as a fair accession negotiation process for Turkey, would not accept such an attitude."
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24/06/2010 - Viewed 2199 times

ANKARA- "Direct Trade Regulation" draft expected to be discussed  by the political leadership of the European Parliament on June 10, 2010 was not adressed on the scheduled meeting. Conference of Presidents of the European Parliament adjourned the decision on the draft because of  the 'sensitivity of the issue'.

TEPAV EU Director Nilgün Arısan Eralp, assessing the developments, recalled the evaluation note published on June 8, 2010. Referring to the following statement in the aforementioned note; "the adoption of the Regulation can be a significant step towards   the solution of the Cyprus problem and removal of the political obstacles in Turkey's accession negotiations", Arısan Eralp added:

"Unfortunately, Conference of Presidents of the European Union could not discuss the draft Regulation on the scheduled meeting and adjourned the decision on the draft referring to the 'sensitivity of the issue'. It is argued that the Greek Cypriots played a significant role in this postponement.   As TEPAV's evaluation note also stated, when the aforesaid Regulation was re-tabled  Markos Kyprianu, Foreign Minister of Cyprus said they would use  all the institutional and political procedures they have at their disposal  to prevent the adoption of the Regulation.

Greek Cypriots now state that if European Parliament adopts the 'Direct Trade Regulation' and submits it to the EU Council of Ministers, they would block all the remaining negotiation chapters of Turkey  and they would start with the "Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary" chapter that is expected to be opened at the end of Spanish presidency on June 30, 2010.

We want to believe that any EU institution and any member state that seeks a just, sustainable and comprehensive solution in the island, as well as a fair accession negotiation process for Turkey, would not accept such an attitude."



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