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Strengthening Connections and Business Synergies Between Turkey and Armenia Report
Haber Resim
10/11/2014 In the past two decades, relations between Armenia and Turkey have been left in diplomatic limbo. The Armenian-Turkish border has been closed since 1993, which has been a major blow to the economic prospects of the region, among other things. Armen [More]
Entrepreneurship Center Looks for Turkey’s Zuckerbergs In the context of the Startup Weekend Ankara event, candidate entrepreneurs will work through the weekend at TOBB ETÜ - GARAJ to develop their projects.
Haber Resim
01/10/2012 Startup Weekend, a global event organized in various countries will be held in on October 5-7 in Ankara with TEPAV’s facilitation. With the sponsorship of Google and Microsoft, the event aims to support entrepreneurship.  In the event, future en [More]
"European Union, Our Common Future" Events in Kayseri
15/08/2009 KAYSERİ - TEPAV's second event in the series "European Union, Our Common Future" carried out in cooperation with The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and Secretariat General for European Union Affairs (ABGS), was held on 14 [More]
Second Istanbul Forum Meeting Took Place in Istanbul Istanbul Forum decided to concentrate on organized industrial zone with agro bussines focus, capacity building programs for the chambers and business development with micro-finance focus.
Haber Resim
29/01/2008 ISTANBUL - Istanbul Forum for Economic Cooperation between Afghanistan, Turkey and Pakistan had its second meeting yesterday in Istanbul. The meeting was attended by business representatives from the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of T [More]