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Keywords: 10

The Problems of the Least Developed Countries Addressed with the Participation of TEPAV TEPAV shared the private sector experience of Turkey at the 4th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries.
Haber Resim
13/05/2011 ISTANBUL -The 4th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries was held on May 9-13, 2011 in Istanbul. The steps to be taken in these countries were addressed in sessions participated in by TEPAV. The conference, which hosted more th [More]
“The Turkey 25 Project” Started "The Turkey 25 Project" aimed to identify and bring attention to the fastest growing Turkish firms started with the inauguration meeting in Istanbul.
Haber Resim
26/04/2011   ISTANBUL - The Turkey 25 Project to be carried out by TEPAV, under the leadership of TOBB and in collaboration with AllWorld Network, was inaugurated with a meeting on Tuesday, April 26, 2011. In his speech, Union of Chambers and Commodity Exch [More]
TEPAV Director Sak: "Entrepreneurs cannot work like superheros; entrepreneurship must be democratized" Speaking at the 'Entrepreneurship Congress' organized by TOBB, Sak underlined capital is required but not sufficient for entrepreneurship and said: "Democratization of entrepreneurship is probably the most critical phenomenon of the era."
Haber Resim
06/11/2010 ANKARA - TEPAV Director Prof. Dr. Güven Sak said that entrepreneurship in Turkey must be democratized and entrepreneurs should no longer be asked to work like superheros. Underlining that capital is necessary but not sufficient for entrepreneurs [More]
Employment for 300 Women Targeted in Amasya, Which Lags Behind in Female Labour Force Participation... With an EU funded project implemented by TEPAV, participation of 300 women to formal employment and improvement of women's entrepreneurial capacity is targeted for Amasya, one of the worst performing provinces with respect to female labor force participation.
Haber Resim
26/10/2010 ANKARA - In the context of a European Union (EU) funded project, TEPAV initiated efforts to increase formal employment in Amasya, one of the worst performing provinces with respect to female labour force participation. The opening meeting of [More]
TEPAV Director Sak: "You can not become a regional power if yo do not know your neighbors well" Delivering an opening speech in the Conference "Russian Language Education in Turkey", Sak maintained that a country who does not know the countries of the region well and have experts in this field could not became a regional power and underlined that Turkey has to built capacity in this regard.
Haber Resim
25/10/2010 ANKARA - "Russian Language Education" Conference organized by TEPAV Russian Center in cooperation with TOBB ETU Department of International Entrepreneurship and Moscow State University Center for Foreign Language Education began in Ankara on Octobe [More]
TOBB|CISCO Entrepreneurship Program Opens Two New Centers The Centers will work in Dokuz Eylül University and Kadir Has University
15/06/2010 ANKARA- TOBB|CISCO Entrepreneurship Program opened the third center out of Ankara in Izmir and the fourth center in Istanbul. The center in Izmir will carry out activities in Dokuz Eylül University. Trainings will be organized in cooperation with [More]