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TEPAV Organizes the Fourth Merih Celasun Memorial Day… This year’s Memorial Lecture will be delivered on December 29th by Prof. Dr. İlhan Tekeli: Lessons from Turkey’s Urbanization Experience
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23/12/2014 - Viewed 2140 times

ANKARA- The fourth of the Memorial Day events TEPAV has initiated in commemoration of Prof. Dr. Merih Celasun, who dedicated his life to provide solutions to the structural problems of Turkish economy, will be carried out on Monday, December 29th.

The memorial lecture of this year’s event will be delivered by renowned academics Prof. Dr. İlhan Tekeli of METU Department of City and Regional Planning. Tekeli will deliver a speech titled “Lessons from Turkey’s Urbanization Experience.”

The Memorial Day events TEPAV has been carrying out since 2010 host renowned and respected scientists from the world and Turkey to discuss a structural problem of the Turkish economy. Previous memorial lectures were delivered by Dani Rodrik, Daron Acemoğlu and Timur Kuran.

The “Memorial Day” events which TEPAV seeks to make traditional, is open to students and friends of Prof. Celasun, including prominent academics, and to everyone interested in the Turkish economy.

Please click here for the event page.

Please click here for more information about previous events.


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