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The Number of Applicants for Unemployment Compensation Decreased by 20 Thousand In One Year 68th Issue of TEPAV Employment Bulletin Is Published
Haber resmi
30/01/2018 - Viewed 1267 times

Using the Social Security Institution (SSI) data for October 2017 and İSKUR data for November 2017, TEPAV’s Employment Monitoring Bulletin’s 68th issue shows that in November 2017, the number of applicants for unemployment compensation decreased by 20 thousand (14,8 percent) compared to in November 2016. The highest increase was in Sivas with 256, followed by Van, Erzincan, Kars, and Kırklareli. The number of unemployment compensation decreased by 10 thousand (14,8 percent) in November 2017 compared to in November 2016. The highest increase was in Sivas. Sivas is followed by  Van, Bolu, Kars and Bitlis.


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