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A Peaceful Transition of Power & Public’s Expectations in Armenia Evaluation Note / Diana Yayloyan
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20/02/2019 - Viewed 1416 times



Looking back at 2018, a wave of powerful political developments opened a new page in Armenia’s civil rights movement. Eventually culminating in a change of government, this transition of power in Armenia became known as the “Velvet Revolution,” mainly due to the lack of violence and peaceful handover of power. As the early months of 2018 consolidated the success of the Armenian Velvet Revolution, the country was also elevated in the eyes of the world, gaining international attention and interest. Currently, Armenia is passing through a hectic period of domestic reforms, which are penetrating into the economic, social, legal and political layers of the system. The fact that the Velvet Revolution was a bottom-up, non-violent civil resistance movement offers cautious optimism for a successful and deeper democratization process, shepherded and supported by Armenian civil society. Meanwhile, it is due to the new government’s genuine commitment to the democratization process that suggests the further success of the Velvet Revolution.


You may read evaluation note from here.

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